France/ Briollay. Local development on the council agenda

Published on 05/07/2024 | La rédaction


A number of resolutions were passed at the Briollay town council meeting on Thursday June 13.

To accompany the expansion of the Sitis supermarket, now known as Diagonale, the Briollay commune has decided to completely redevelop the public space on rue Claude-Monet.

The work on networks, roads, pathways, etc. is being carried out by Angers Loire Métropole, which is responsible for roads in the agglomeration's communes. They have now been completed, at a cost of €91,569, including studies. The municipal council voted to contribute €45,798 to this investment.

Luncheon vouchers

With two abstentions, the council accepted the proposal to increase school canteen prices by an average of 2%. The cost price of a canteen meal for the commune is €9.18. Depending on their family quotient, from September onwards, parents will pay from €1 for a quotient of less than 1,000, to €5 for a quotient of over 2,201.

The municipal council has decided to create an ATSEM post for the new school year at the Georges-Hubert school, which will comprise 13 classes, including five kindergarten classes.

To meet parents' needs, the end-of-day opening hours of the after-school care service have been changed. Closing time will be 6:45 p.m. instead of 6:30 p.m.

The decision to prioritize enrolment in the after-school care service between children resident in the commune and children from outside the commune, subject to availability of places, was accepted by the elected representatives, with three abstentions.

To improve their purchasing power, the commune has decided to award luncheon vouchers to all its employees.

The council meeting ended with the presentation of the Angers Loire Métropole sustainable development report by Pierrick Viot, deputy mayor.


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