France/ Arradon. The twinning committee turns to young people

Published on 03/02/2025 | La rédaction


A committed team......

Following votes on the moral and financial reports, the outgoing board members of the Arradon-Höchenschwand (Germany) twinning committee were re-elected on Thursday, with the exception of Véronique Griens who did not stand for re-election. Martial Guénan is president; Philippe Chaize, vice-president; Gildas Le Ray, treasurer; Martine Lefaux, deputy treasurer; Denise Cloërec, secretary; Marie-France Belliot, Françoise Boichot, Catherine Chaize, Patricia François, Sylvie Gora, Patrick Hervé, Bertrand Mainguet and Marie-Antoinette Salaün.

Resumption of regular activities

While the year 2023 was marked by the association's 35th anniversary festivities in Arradon, the Arradon-Höchenschwand Twinning Committee resumed its usual activities.s usual activities in 2024, such as the meeting of the two committees, the showing of a film in German and the organization of a German meal, the Téléthon solidarity evening, the Mercredis d'Arradon and the Fête de l'huître.

Actions for young people

Christine Le Carrer, a teacher with the Plescop twinning association, began an edutainment program in September with CM1-CM2 pupils at École Sainte-Marie and École des Corallines. 64 45-minute sessions have been scheduled, with the aim of promoting and enhancing the German language.

To mark the 61st anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, the committee organized a German meal and lunchtime entertainment for schoolchildren from Les Corallines and Sainte-Marie.

At the Algues au rythme festival in early June, a group of young people and adults from Höchenschwand will come to meet young people from Arradonnais and plan joint actions for 2026.

On the 2025 agenda

Saturday March 15: solidarity actions with takeaways and an evening meal organized at La Lucarne on the theme of the 1980s. From June 6 to June 8, we welcome young people and adults from Höchenschwand to Arradon, during the Algues au rythme festival. Saturday June 7, annual meeting of the two committees in Arradon. This summer, participation in the Mercredis d'Arradon. Sunday September 7, entertainment at the 37th Fête de l'huître. December 5 and 6, participation in the Telethon.


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