France/You have until July 14 to enter the 5th sustainable development trophy

Published on 26/06/2024 | La rédaction


The fifth edition of the Trophées du Développement Durable was launched at the beginning of April. The Trophées are an opportunity to identify players committed to sustainable development and to promote their actions.

The new, fifth edition of the Trophées du Développement Durable (Sustainable Development Awards) features a number of different award categories.

  • One prize for each category of player, i.e. five prizes: companies, associations, local authorities, elementary schools, secondary schools.
  • One prize per theme, i.e. five prizes: sustainable production and consumption, preservation of the environment and biodiversity, social ties and solidarity, well-being and leisure, resilience and the fight against climate change.
  • A People's Choice Award, which will enable citizens to vote for an initiative that caught their attention across all the actions.

You have until July 14to apply on theThe awards ceremony will take place in October, during European Sustainable Development Week.


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