France/Vouillé 79: Recovery plan: the five selected projects

Published on 08/04/2021 | La rédaction


Within the framework of the recovery plan initiated by the government for local communities in particular, the municipality has selected five sites that meet the criteria expected from the scheme. These are investment works, some of which have already been carried out while others are underway and should be completed by the end of May, but which remain dependent on health circumstances.

The central power had indeed entrusted to the Departments the implementation of this recovery plan and the Departmental Council had then created what was called the operation 1,000 building sites for the Deux-Sèvres. It offered local authorities aid to encourage them to start work as soon as possible, and above all to entrust it to local companies and craftsmen who could suffer economically from the constraints linked to the Covid-19 pandemic.
It covers half of the expenses, up to a maximum of 10,000 €, for the realization of five building sites in the communes whose population was between 1,501 and 7,000 inhabitants. For Vouillé, five sectors that met the requirements of this protocol were therefore selected as priorities: energy transition, development of renewable energies, bringing public facilities up to standard and making them safe. These are the church, the town hall, the football stadium, the association centre and the multi-purpose hall.
From the church to the football stadium The repair of the roof and the boiler room of the church cost €10,400.91, of which the departmental share is €5,000 and the rest is paid for by the commune. The replacement of windows in the town hall: 9,796.64 € of which 4,898.64 € is financed by the Department and 4,898.64 € by the commune. The cost of the goals supplied and installed at the football stadium amounts to €7,800, half of which is covered by the two financial partners. The replacement of doors and windows at the association centre amounts to €6,833.29, the cost of which is still borne equally by the two communities.
Finally, the multi-purpose hall has had its facade renovated and painted for a total of €10,000, the maximum allowed by the scheme and therefore borne by the Department for the expected €5,000 and the rest by the municipality.


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