France/Pont-l'Evêque: workshops to develop psychosocial skills

Published on 21/06/2024 | La rédaction


On Friday June 14, 2024, around 15 people took part in workshops in Pont-l'Evêque, set up by the Plie (Plan local pour l'insertion et l'emploi) du Nord pays d'Auge (Calvados), to develop psychosocial skills.

From June 10 to 14, some fifteen people, either unemployed or working on integration projects, took part in psychosocial skills development workshops at the Espace Municipal Associatif in Pont-l'Evêque. They were organized by the Plie (Plan local pour l'insertion et l'emploi) du Nord pays d'Auge.

For four days, the three organizers: Sophie Guerault and Valérie Wilkowsky, vocational integration advisors, and Roxane Moulin, advisor with Asta, "set up workshops designed to help participants develop their ability to react appropriately to everyday situations. The workshops enabled participants to share their experiences. On a voluntary basis, they also took part in role-playing and other activities, while maintaining a positive, caring approach to communication. We also worked on building trust. The aim is to create links and energize the professional integration process.

We work in the three communities of Honfleur-Beuzeville; Terre d'Auge and Côte Cœur Côte fleurie and the town of Cabourgsays Jean-Baptiste Horvat, director of the Plie (Plan local pour l'insertion et l'emploi) du Nord pays d'Auge, which set up the workshops with the support of Être et Boulot; Asta (Association solidarité travail autonomie); Esi 14 (Éducation solidarité intégration); RTPS (Réseau territorial de promotion de la santé); JSF (Jeunes seniors familles), who provided transport for participants, and the Pont-l'Evêque town hall, which made the premises available.

Friday June 28, at the Maison des associations in Trouville-sur-Mer, workshop on the theme of self-esteem. Contact: or 02 31 89 70 47.


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