France/Partnership between the city and associations appreciated
The fifth brush-clearing operation of the year took place over the weekend of February 22 and 23, despite the damp conditions. Michel Delay, president of Ulpi (Union langladoise de prévention incendie) had gathered around him the association's volunteer members, as well as those of the Arc-club, on the site located at chemin de Vignecroze.
"A sporting competition, the Nature contest for the Gard championships, is due to take place on April 5 and 6. The course and the area around the building need to be cleared of undergrowth, as around 200 people and their vehicles are expected to attend," say the presidents of the associations. If this area of natural space were not cleared, archery activities would not be possible. What's more, this area is the continuity of the forest-habitat interface."
The only example in the Gard, Ulpi is proud of its interventions and initiatives, which follow on from those of the municipality. The latter works with large-scale equipment, essential for an area of forty hectares. This enables Ulpi to complete the task.
What's more, the week before, Ulpi took stock of the equipment, taking care of checks, maintenance, oil changes... The cooperation is efficient and warm (with a convivial break), and all those involved can only be delighted.