France/Limoux: sustainable agriculture, agri-food cluster, tourism ... La Cavale starts 2024 with three new goals

Published on 20/02/2024 | La rédaction


With just a few days to go before its annual general meeting, scheduled for Thursday February 29, the director and president of the Coopérative agricole de viticulteurs et agriculteurs de Limoux et environs (Cavale) present three of the projects their teams will be working on this year.

Supporting farm start-ups

La Cavale has added a new service to its range, with sustainable farming contracts. " This concerns both the environmental and technical aspects, and of course the well-being of our members," notes Francis Pagès. After an initial assessment, La Cavale's technicians should be able to make a 5-year projection. Christophe Bonnemort notes: "This assessment will be drawn up after 4 days spent on the farm. This will be possible when a young person wants to set up, but also for a farm in financial difficulty, or a farmer looking to diversify or pass on".

A total of four technicians will be dedicated to this service, financed by a grant from the Region.

Creating an agri-food cluster
in Quillan

In 2024, a new agri-food cluster is due to be created in Quillan. "There should be a Gamm Vert, a livestock center... and then whoever wants to come! There's still room, so we'll be able to welcome other local players," says Christophe Bonnemort. The manager assures us that he has received the support of the town council, the inter-communal council and the sub-prefecture.

The creation of this cooperative reflects one of La Cavale's core values: "to be a cooperative on a human scale, cultivating proximity with its members", but also "a local cooperative whose sole ambition is to bring value to the area in which it operates".

Work on an oleotourism hub

"This project won't break ground in 2024," warn the director and president of La Cavale. But within the next few years, the cooperative aims to create an oil tourism hub. Our Moulin is saturated, so we have to relocate it," explains Christophe Bonnemort. We thought it would be interesting to couple it with a new boutique and a tourist offer to discover our local oils. And why not include other nearby partners, distillation tools or even a beekeeper?"

The project is still in the pipeline, but should be budgeted for in 2024... and already promises to be a showcase for local crafts.

These projects do not, however, make the two representatives of La Cavale forget the reality of the agricultural situation.We're in a catastrophic agricultural context which could put the brakes on our efforts, but we're vigilant," assures Francis Pagès. We're listening to our members to find the right tempo and be at their service". Christophe Bonnemort adds: "There are difficulties at every level, so we're working hard to find ways of diversifying, while continuing to expand our range of quality services at reasonable prices.

La Cavale's other objectives for 2024 include

  • save 1,000 MWH thanks to the gasifier
  • collect 4,000 tonnes of cereals
  • integrate new employees into the support team
  • balance Sivacal's income statement
  • sell 20,000 Apéroc' bottles
  • find new colorant buyers for Distillerie d'Oc
  • help finance a management position at Viandes Pyrénées Audoises


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