France/Ile-de-France: the seven départements found their association

Published on 19/09/2023 | La rédaction


The presidents of the local authorities, which represent 90% of the population of the Paris region, want to defend the realities of the Greater Paris département and influence the debates on decentralization.

United and more audible. On Friday, the presidents of the seven départements of the Île-de-France region meet at the Seine Musicale to celebrate the launch of their association, Adif, with the aim of becoming "privileged interlocutors with the government".

For this grand premiere, presidents Jean-François Parigi (Seine-et-Marne), François Durovray (Essonne), Georges Siffredi (Hauts-de-Seine), Marie-Christine Cavecchi (Val-d'Oise), Pierre Bédier ( Yvelines), Stéphane Troussel (Seine-Saint-Denis) and Olivier Capitanio (Val-de-Marne) want to defend off the French singularity of their situation in the Paris region, and promote an "efficient and inclusive vision" of a territory that brings together "90% of the regional population", excluding Paris and its twenty arrondissements.

" Continuing the dynamic cooperation begun in 2019 with the creation of the Fonds de solidarité et d'investissement interdépartemental (FS2i), we are joining forces to defend a better consideration of departmental realité départementale dans l'organisation du Grand Paris et plus généralement dans les débats sur la décentralisation", explains LR President Georges Siffredi, successor to Patrick Devedjian, who died in March 2020, victim of Covid.

The new association promises to shed particular light on all issues relating to the development of these neighboring communities and partners. Development, transport, housing, education, solidarity, employment, the environment... The issues are numerous, and the seven communities will no doubt be able to exert their influence in a different way from now on.The Assembly of French Departments, chaired by François Sauvadet, UDI president of the Côte-d'Or.


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