France/German-French twinnings meet in Fors

Published on 06/02/2025 | La rédaction

France, Germany

For several years now, the Fors-Penkun twinning committee has been a member of Afape (Acteurs franco-allemands pour l'Europe), a regional union that currently brings together some ten Franco-German twinning associations and committees in the Poitou-Charentes region.

On Saturday February 1, 2025, the Fors local committee welcomed a number of its counterparts for its annual general meeting. Mayor Alain Canteau opened the meeting with a presentation of the new shopping center project. Visitors were able to discover the future premises and appreciate their environmental objectives, aesthetics, functionality and comfort. They also had the opportunity to admire the model of the commune's Renaissance château, recently completed by Rémi Chauveau, vice-president of the committee. The general meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the usual activities, with a particular focus on the 2024 federative event in Lezay. During the Festiv'Agri, the various committees got together for a day of conviviality.
For 2025, Afape members discussed several projects to celebrate the association's tenth anniversary. Among the ideas under consideration: the organization of a day in La Rochelle, with the support of the local Franco-German association, as well as a trip linking the various twinned German towns.


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