France/Dole. Entertainment and music on the program for the African festival organized by the Comité de Jumelage.

Published on 01/07/2024 | La rédaction


The Comité de Jumelage d'Arbois, Vignes & Villages is once again organizing its African festival, this Saturday June 29, in aid of the inhabitants of Burkina Faso.

In partnership with the municipality, and tohelp the people of Douroula (Burkina Faso), a town with which Arbois has been twinned since 1989, the Comité de Jumelage is organizing its African festival this Saturday, June 29.

The town has also been twinned with the German town of Hausach for almost 50 years. An event will be held in the autumn to celebrate this anniversary.

Twelve association stands

"It's a celebration for associations and the general public. There will be stands from twelve associations from the Jura, Doubs and Ain regions... Some will be selling African objects, while others will be exhibiting what they are doing over there in Burkina Faso ", explains Bernard Lambert, president of the Twinning Committee.

There will also be entertainment, including a concert by an African music group called Tan Africa. An African meal will be served from 7:30 p.m. onwards, at a cost of 15 euros.

Help from a distance

" Before, we used to go and help them on site. We even took young people from Germany with us," recalls Bernard Lambert. But the current situation has made this too complicated. "We try to help them anyway, with money, to maintain the structure.

The last time was "in 2018 or 2019". The president continues: "We've dug wells with a pump so they have clean running water, we've planted trees, helped the women make a garden..."

Hausach takes part

Initially, this African festival was organized every two years in France. One year in Arbois, the other in Hausach, but "in Germany, it was young people who ran the association, and they left without others taking over", he explains.

Hausach will still be represented: "They'll have a stand at the festival, with beer and pretzels among other things". In the event of inclement weather, the event will take place at the Espace Pasteur.


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