France/Castets: twinning with the Spanish town of Fustinana

Published on 17/06/2024 | La rédaction


During the first weekend in June, the municipality welcomed representatives from the Spanish town of Fustinana, led by their mayor, Sergio Fusti, for the signing of the twinning agreement that now links the two communities.

The convention was initiated by the citizens' commission, of which Karine Duboscq-Reitel is a member. It was she who found and approached the Spanish town. Other attempts had been made in the past, but to no avail, as the towns in question were already twinned.

Appointment at the end of the year

In November 2023, Castets welcomed the Spanish delegation to Spain for the signing of the agreement. This took place on the evening of Saturday June1, after a visit to the village the day before and a visit to the nearby ocean beaches in the afternoon.

The new Spanish friends got their first taste of local traditions, with the planting and felling of a May tree, as a prelude to the signing of the twinning oath.

The agreement, drawn up in French and Spanish, outlines the association between these municipalities of equal size in terms of population, and highlights their desire to increase exchanges between the two populations. A wide range of possible actions has been identified, such as cultural and sporting exchanges between young people and residents.

With each of them boasting an extensive network of associations, meetings are planned and already in the pipeline. In his introductory speech, Philippe Mouhel, Mayor of Castets, urged his fellow-citizens to get involved in the twinning project. "This twinning belongs to you, it's up to you to activate and perpetuate it", insisted the mayor.

The next meeting will take place towards the end of the year in Fustinana, where the musicians and all Castesians wishing to discover this Navarrese village, very close to the Bardennas site, will probably travel.


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