France/Barenton. Twinning: 38 Germans visit La Manche

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction


As part of the Barenton-Puderbach twinning program, a delegation of 38 Germans spent the last four days of June with us. "They were all welcomed by families and enjoyed the program," says Nicole Joseph, president of the committee.

First, the Germans made two stops along the way, in Bruges on Wednesday and Étretat on Thursday, before arriving a little late in Barenton. On Friday June 28, before the official dinner at Barenton's salle des fêtes, they all visited Mont Saint-Michel and the German ossuary at Huisnes-sur-Mer. The mayor of Barenton, Stéphanie Lelièvre, expressed her wishes for a constructive, respectful and united Europe. You were able to visit one of the world's most beautiful monuments, Mont Saint-Michel. This place, where all peoples come together, could be a symbol of peace. This year, in France, we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Second World War. [...] We were not on the same side, but the difficulties were the same. We have gradually rebuilt ourselves and have come together over the last few decades to become true friends. The current political context is very worrying, both nationally and in Europe, with the rise of the extreme right. [We are not responsible for the past, but we are responsible for the future.


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