France/13 CM2 du RPI de La Roche-Jaudy receive €35 from the commune

Published on 03/07/2024 | La rédaction


On Monday, the deputy mayors of La Roche-Jaudy, Danièle Coadic and Marie-France Jégou, presented 13 children from the Regroupement pédagogique intercommunal (RPI) de Pommerit-La Roche with a €35 gift voucher from the Au bel aujourd'hui bookshop.

Lucie Allain, Pauline Baron, Thomas Étienne, Charlie Gandier-Nicolas, Éline Garel, Lily Grall, Marius Guennec-Le Mené, Lyna Guerlesquin, Léna Guillerm, Noah Guillou, Maëlys Le Coadou, Théo Moreau-Chevalier Le Maout and Hélina Ollivo Bouzendorffer. CM2 students attending schools other than La Roche-Jaudy are invited to claim their vouchers at one of the La Roche-Jaudy town halls.


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