Environment: Vietnam could study experiments from Brussels
According to the chairman of the Environment and Energy Committee of the French-speaking Brussels Parliament, Tristan Roberti, Vietnam could study the measures taken by Brussels to respond to climate change, prevent floods and protect the environment.
In an interview with the Vietnamese Information Agency (VNA), the chairman of the Environment and Energy Committee of the French-speaking Brussels Parliament, Tristan Roberti,said that Brussels has potential for renewable energy and encourages its residents, especially businesses and schools, to install solar panels on their roofs.
He recalled that the largest photovoltaic installation in an urban environment in Europe was inaugurated last October at the Abattoirs in Anderlecht, under the SolarMarket project. Now equipped with more than 5,800 solar panels, the roof of the building is expected to produce 1,653 MWh annually, which is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of more than 700 households.
Brussels also provides technical assistance to households for the installation of solar panels. Financial support is provided through the issuance of a "green certificate", which reduces energy prices for families, agencies and schools participating in the project.
Tristan Roberti also spoke about the measures taken by Brussels to prevent flooding and promote sustainable development, such as the collection of waste in canals, the planting of trees in the streets, the strengthening of public transport...
These are experiences that Vietnam could study and apply, he concluded.
Source: lecourrier.vn