Congo/ Cooperation: the "Nicky Brienza" Center in Brazzaville receives support from Italy's University of Bari Aldo Moro

Published on 28/06/2024 | La rédaction


Students and authorities at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy are mobilizing to help the "Nicky Brienza" Center recently set up in Brazzaville by the NGO Urgence d'Afrique. The aim is to raise the funds needed to equip the center and train its staff to provide better care for women victims of violence.

Advocacy led by Dr Liliane Babin, a Congolese emergency doctor at a hospital in Rome, Italy, and President of the Rome-based Mwasi platform, has resulted in a "twinning cooperation" between the University of Bari Aldo Moro and the Centre.led to a "cooperation twinning" between the University of Bari Aldo Moro and the Center. On June 19 in Bari, the two parties explained the ins and outs of this partnership agreement to an audience of students. On this occasion, Mwasi President Dr Liliane Babin and Dr Anne Tafaro (for the general secretariat, which was duplexed from Brazzaville) presented the health situation in the Congo, in particular strategies for combating STIs (sexually transmitted infections). The University of Bari Aldo Moro is committed to equipping the "Nicky Brienza" center with an analysis laboratory.

The University of Bari Aldo Moro, one of the most prestigious in southern Italy, was established by Royal Decree no. 2102 of September 30, 1923, and by decree on October 9, 1924. It was proposed, on the basis of the former university pharmacy and notary schools activated immediately after the unification of Italy, to replace the former then "Imperial High School of Puglia".

In May 2008, the Academic Senate unanimously decided to dedicate the University of Bari to Aldo Moro, a distinguished statesmandistinguished statesman who, having graduated in law from the University of Bari, taught the discipline of criminal law for several years.

The University of Bari Aldo Moro is included in all major national and international rankings. It ranks tenth among Italian universities, second among those in southern Italy - in terms of student numbers - and sixth among large universities.

The "Nicky Brienza" Center is located in the Mansimou district, arrondissement 8 Madibou, Brazzaville. Opened in 2022, it was created by Urgence d'Afrique in response to the many cases of violence against women recorded before, during and after the 2020 confinement. Urgence d'Afrique is a Congolese NGO affiliated to the Mwasi platform. The "Nicky Brienza" center is under the supervision of the Ministry for the Promotion of Women of Congo Brazzaville.


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