Congo/The craftsmen of Pointe-Noire start recycling tires and coffee capsules

Published on 18/08/2022 | La rédaction


The regional head of communication and sustainable development at Congo Terminal, Patricia Ekey-Misse said August 16 in Pointe-Noire that their social policy rhymes with the preservation of the environment and creates wealth, supports the promotion of local actions, works for responsible consumption and sustainable waste management.

"Our commitment to the Green Terminal approach, a Bolloré Ports label, highlights the actions we are taking to preserve the environment. It combines responsible consumption and recycling. Because recycling is the key word for a sustainable land that we should offer to future generations," said Patricia Ekey-Misse, during the signing of partnerships with the association the Club of Women Painters and Sculptors and the craft company Julita Gorgeous. "

Indeed, with the association the club of women painters and sculptors, Congo Terminal has signed a partnership for the recycling of tires by transforming them into furniture or decorative art objects. The partnership concluded provides for the regular provision of used tires according to the activity. The tires are distributed equally among the members of the association. The members make furniture and structures from used tires and other materials such as plastic, tin cans, etc. As for the artisanal enterprise Julita Gorgeous, it is for the transformation of used coffee capsules into jewelry, decorative objects and home art.

For Florence Soblog, president of the association, this partnership allows to have regularly the raw material and greeted the initiative of Congo Terminal for its commitment to preserve the environment and its will to accompany the local craftsmen.

Jacqueline Mote, head of the Julita Gorgeous company for her part said she was proud to work with Congo Terminal. For her, it is rare to find such a responsible partner. The coffee recovered from the capsules will be given to nurseries to be used as fertilizer, as well as the tea bags. The company also recycles used paper that is shredded and used to wrap packages during shipments.

In this same approach, since 2012 Congo Terminal has entered into a partnership with Total Energie for the recycling of used motor and hydraulic oils.


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