Congo/Entrepreneurship: nine young people encouraged by Pointe-Noire town hall and consular chamber

Published on 02/07/2024 | La rédaction


On June 27, nine young entrepreneurs from Pointe-Noire received their certificates of participation from Mayor Evelyne Tchichelle Moe Poaty at the Pointe-Noire Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the digital celebration of the International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

Launched on April 16, the first PEC session ended on May 17. Over the course of a month, nine young people were trained to broaden their knowledge and operational capabilities, so as to boost their businesses on the road to prosperity. The training is based on skills sharing and experience sharing.

The PEC is the fruit of cooperation between the cities of Pointe-Noire and Le Havre, France. Its implementation called for a synergy between the local mission of Le Havre Estuaire Littoral, the city council and the Pointe-Noire Chamber of Commerce, the technical body for the specific deployment of this support." Expertise in one field does not guarantee an indefinite capacity to respond to challenges. That's why synergies of approach are the way forward . This is the path taken by Pointe-Noire town council and the city of Le Havre who, as part of their twinning, are experimenting with the deployment of the "Parcours d'entraînement à la création", an entrepreneurship support scheme. It's a fine tool which enriches our general framework of support for business start-ups, and whose first cohort is being celebrated today.Today, we're celebrating the fruits of the first cohort to receive their certificates", said Sylvestre Didier Mavouenzela, President of the Pointe-Noire Consular Chamber.

Praising the diligence, seriousness and curiosity shown by the young people during their training, Evelyne Tchitchelle Moe Poaty, the town's mayor, invited her fellow citizens to help them "to be useful players in the development of our economy", adding that "the municipality will spare no effort to support them in their future endeavors".

Damel Tavernier Mignon Mabika, General Manager of Damel Corporation and a manufacturer of cleaning and maintenance products, is one of the beneficiaries of the training program, and has asked for help and support to develop his business and increase production. This multi-faceted assistance will also be useful to other young people committed to the path of entrepreneurship.

In line with the celebration of the International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under the motto " Benefit from support for the digital transformation of your business", two complementary digital sessions namely the challenge of supporting digital transformation with artificial intelligence and the Cloud, and the re-launch of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Information System Project, were led by digitally-equipped resource persons. These projects were made possible thanks to the support of Okalobé School, DSI Club Congo and Congo Entreprise Développement.

Defined as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, particularly intelligent computer programs, artificial intelligence is related to the similar task of using computers to understand intelligence. The term "cloud", on the other hand, refers to servers accessible over the internet, as well as the software and databases that run on these servers. Servers located in the cloud are hosted in datacenters spread around the world. The cloud is made up of servers in data centers across the globe. These two innovative business terms were the focus of much discussion. Adopting the cloud, for example, can save companies money and add simplicity for users, the speakers explained.


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