Chad: measles and yellow fever campaign launched

Published on 08/09/2023 | La rédaction


This morning, the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention, in collaboration with its technical and financial partners, organized a preparatory workshop for the measles and yellow fever campaign at a local hotel.

In his opening address, Dr Mamoudou Thiero, speaking on behalf of WHO, stressed the importance of the workshop, while inviting all those involved to work together to meet the needs of communities.

He reiterated his institution's commitment to supporting the Ministry's actions in the fight against disease, and the multiple actions carried out by the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention, with the support of its partners in the field of vaccination.

For his part, Dabsou Guidaoussou, Secretary General of the Ministry of Public Health and Prevention, recalled that Chad is one of the African countries where vaccination coverage is low. The epidemic is still not under control on a national scale, and there are epidemic outbreaks in most of our health districts, due to a significant immune deficiency.

This situation remains particularly worrying for the province of N'Djamena, which has been experiencing measles epidemics for the past three years. We should also mention the reinforcement of human resources, through the recruitment of immunization agents, training on the EPI in practice, and the availability of vaccines and consumables.

These coverage levels remain far below the country's target of vaccinating 90% of the target population. Finally, it should be emphasized that the aim of this workshop is to identify innovative strategies for improving the quality of the campaign.


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