Chad: REPHAT raises awareness of entrepreneurship among people with disabilities

Published on 03/03/2024 | La rédaction


On February 28, 2024, Galmai Moussa, national president of the Réseau des Personnes Handicapées du Tchad (REPHAT), accompanied by transitional national advisor Haram Alkhali Moussa, led a campaign to raise awareness of entrepreneurship among disabled people in the main thoroughfares of the city of Ndjamena.

During the awareness-raising event, Galmai Moussa Abdramane pointed out that disabled people spend long hours begging under the sun. He affirmed that his network felt it important to initiate a project to enable these people to engage in entrepreneurship in order to provide for their needs. During the session, Galmai Moussa distributed packets of handkerchiefs to these disabled people, explaining that they could sell these handkerchiefs to support themselves rather than relying on begging.


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