Chad: Local Development Plan 2024-2028 information and dissemination day in Guera

Published on 03/07/2024 | La rédaction


At the initiative of NGOs, projects and programs, and through the technical team of the project "Communal action in favor of young people and women for a clean city in the commune of Mongo", the PAG 2 project organized an information and outreach day for the Local Development Plan (PDL) 2024-2028, in the city of Mongo.

The meeting took place at the ADETIC center in Mongo, and was attended by heads of NGOs, projects and programs, as well as members of the media. The opening ceremony was presided over by the mayor of the Mongo commune, Abelmalik Abdramane Bechir.

The total cost of the Local Development Plan (LDP) for the commune of Mongo, for the period 2024-2028, is 1,381,700,000 FCFA.


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