Canada/ The City of Sorel-Tracy asks for citizens' support in its bid to host the Jeux du Québec in the summer of 2027

Published on 02/07/2024 | La rédaction


The City of Sorel-Tracy is inviting local residents to show their support for its bid to host the 61st Quebec Summer Games in 2027. To do so, fill out a short online form on the city's website.

Since the city council announced its intention to host the Jeux du Québec on its territory in the summer of 2027 last November, support has been growing. This week, the city is launching its campaign to mobilize the community, with the support of field hockey player and co-spokesman of the bid committee, Marc-André Fleury.

All support received via the online form will be counted towards Sorel-Tracy's final bid file, submitted to Sports Québec towards the end of October.

"Many local partners are working very hard to make this adventure possible, including the Centre de services scolaires de Sorel-Tracy, the Cégep de Sorel-Tracy and the members of the bid committee. Your support will attest to this great mobilization and highlight our region's willingness to host this sporting event for young people from all over Quebec! "says Patrick Péloquin, Mayor of Sorel-Tracy.

On November 6, 2023, the City of Sorel-Tracy announced its intention to bid to host the Quebec Games. The technical file was submitted on April 3, 2024. On April 24, 2024, Sports Québec confirmed that Sorel-Tracy had the capacity to host the Games, while emphasizing the high quality of the proposal. Sorel-Tracy will submit its final bid book on October 30, 2024. The selection of the host community will be announced in January 2025.


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