Canada/Wood Buffalo councillors now work full time

Published on 14/06/2024 | La rédaction


The municipal councillors of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Alberta, began their full-time duties on Wednesday.

Their choice to stop working part-time was decided on Tuesday, in a surprise vote of six to three, and after a tense debate.

No public consultation

The motion was not on the agenda.

It was added at the start of Tuesday's meeting by Councillor Kendrick Cardinal, who also introduced another motion to remove the notice period from the previous motion.

The latter was also approved, by five votes to four. The public did not have the opportunity to comment on the change from part-time to full-time.

I think it's relevant and important that this be done today," argued Kendrick Cardinal.

The councillor says he put forward the motion for this reason: There has to be a change in the way we do things in the community.

Kendrick Cardinal insisted that the vote take place as soon as possible, despite opposition from councillors such as Allan Grandison.

I'd like to move this motion forward today. This is the third time I've moved this motion; I've been bullied and I've had enough.

A quote from Kendrick Cardinal, City Councillor

For Allan Grandison, it was crucial that the community have its say on such an important decision. He thinks the council should have considered having a third party look into the matter.

For what purpose?

At this point, it's unclear what the change will mean in terms of potential salary increases or professional expectations for advisors.

During the session, elected representative Jane Stroud asked whether the switch from part-time to full-time work would mean a pay rise.

I'm sure there will be, and after our review," said Kendrick Cardinal.

According to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo's Municipal Election Candidate's Guide (New Window), starting in 2020, councillors had an annual salary of $46,200, adjusted each year.


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