Canada/Three Abitibi MRC municipalities receive help to revitalize themselves

Published on 01/07/2024 | La rédaction


Québec is investing more than $1 million to revitalize three municipalities in the Abitibi MRC. The money comes from the "Entente de vitalisation du Fonds régions et ruralité" signed with the Ministère des Affaires municipales.

This agreement stems from the latest fiscal pact between Quebec City and the municipal world, of which this is the last year. In this case, it concerns the municipalities of the Coteaux sector, which includes Champneuf and La Morandière-Rochebaucourt, as well as the unorganized territory of Lac-Chicobi, also known as Guyenne.

More than a quarter of the envelope was used to hire a development and vitalization agent, a development agent and a recreation animator in the Coteaux sector.

The assistance provided us with resources over a number of years, not only to develop projects, but also to provide animation services. These municipalities have fewer employees to apply for grants or to work in the field as local development agents," explains Sébastien D'Astous, Prefect of the Abitibi MRC.

A lever for projects

The assistance announced will also support the realization of several projects developed by these three municipalities.

The fun thing is that these projects were developed [not only] by the councils, but also by the public. So there was a lot of consultation.

A quote from Prefect Sébastien D'Astous

We understand that in recent years, these devitalized municipalities had the idea of undertaking projects, but they didn't necessarily have the means to do so. This fund allows them to put in a minimum share of their budget. It's becoming a very interesting lever," observes Mr. D'Astous.

Projects include a bowling alley in Champneuf, a mobile canteen in La Morandière-Rochebaucourt and upgrades to the Guyenne community center.

Significant sums will also be devoted to merging the exhibition hall with the Guyenne library, as well as improving Camp 4H and the sentier du Rocher in La Morandière-Rochebaucourt.

It helps the municipalities, and at the same time, it creates a dynamic where people want to get involved. These are small communities where everyone knows each other. It brings people together around the same project. It's amazing how motivated and interested these people are," says prefect Sébastien D'Astous.


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