Canada/Sustainable development explained by elementary school children

Published on 03/07/2024 | La rédaction


ENVIRONMENT. The sustainable development committee of the Centre de services scolaires de la Beauce-Etchemin (CSSBE) recently announced the winners of the "Le développement durable, c'est quoi?" competition.

Second place went to the Superheroes class from l'éveil elementary school in Sainte-Marie. These first-graders put together a poster and used used compact discs to illustrate planet earth. Elements were added around it to express what sustainable development means to them.

First prize went to Coralie Poulin, a sixth-grader from École primaire l'Éco-Pin in Notre-Dame-des-Pins. The winner defined sustainable development in her own way, using a poster. The poster highlighted the various advantages of applying sustainable development to everyday life.

This was the second edition of the contest. It was open to students at all school levels: preschool, primary, secondary, vocational training and adult education. Cash bursaries were awarded to the winning schools to enable them to carry out a sustainable development project within their establishment.


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