Canada/Sept-Îles gives green light to 60-unit housing project

Published on 28/02/2024 | La rédaction


Sept-Îles will offer financial support for the construction of 60 housing units on the territory. The municipal council passed a resolution to this effect on Monday evening.

Led by the Corporation de développement de logements (CODELO) de Sept-Îles, the 60-unit housing project will have the support of the municipality.

The city hopes to obtain a financial contribution from the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ). To do so, the project must be 40% financed by the municipality.

The municipal council therefore adopted a resolution on Monday evening to offer financial support of $4.4 million of the $25 million required. To this is added the donation of three plots of land by the City and a 30-year tax credit.

We believe in a window of opportunity," says city councillor Carole Gaudreault.

This project could indeed counter the housing crisis. In Sept-Îles, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) rental market report estimates the vacancy rate at 1.3%.

A first step towards the realization of the project

This decision by the municipal council will make it possible to lay the first stone of the project, says Guy Berthe, municipal councillor and chairman of the board of directors of the Office municipal d'habitation de Sept-Îles (OMH). It's thanks to the City's resolution this evening that we'll be able to initiate applications for financial assistance from various ministries for this project.

The SHQ's contribution is estimated at $10 million, and must be part of the affordable housing program. Rents will be between $900 and $800 for 4 1/2 or31/2 units.

The units will be almost identical to the project at 830 rue Doucet, near the Marie-Immaculé church.

The project still has to pass a call for tenders, scheduled to open in March.


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