Canada/Downtown Rouyn-Noranda is pedestrian-friendly again

Published on 26/06/2024 | La rédaction


In Rouyn-Noranda, shopkeepers on avenue Principale have been preparing since Monday for the opening of the pedestrianized downtown area. Many shopkeepers are anxious for the return of the pedestrian mall, fearing that problems such as homelessness could put a damper on their revenues.

This summer, the pedestrian zone is taking on a reduced form, being limited mainly to Principale Avenue. Portions of this artery have already been closed to traffic in preparation for the official opening, scheduled for Thursday.

I'm very happy," says Laurent Bertrand, looking out at the workers decorating the street. I love the pedestrian zone. It creates activity. As I live downtown, it's quieter in summer without the cars.

Laurent Bertrand's opinion echoes that of many entrepreneurs, who overwhelmingly support the pedestrian zone.

For us, it's excellent. It brings more life to the street and allows us to welcome at least thirty more customers in both restaurants," explains Harold Ruiz, Operations Manager of Pizzé and Polish Cocktail Bar.

From June 26 to 29, July 18 to 20 and August 8 to 10, a portion of Perreault Est and Gamble Ouest streets will be closed to allow other retailers to take advantage of the pedestrianized downtown area.

A comeback despite criticism

Criticized by several merchants, the SDC du centre-ville nonetheless deems the initiative necessary, as many merchants have condemned the downtown shelter, fearing that the observed rise in homelessness will undermine their revenues.

Our position will always be to defend the interests of our merchants," explains SDC du centre-ville general manager Nathalie Larose Jolette. Merchants put their heart and soul into their business. They want it to be beautiful, attractive and safe for their customers.

Aware of the criticism, the management of the Maison du soleil levant wants to eventually move its day center, which has been located on rue Perreault Est since last January. Its night shelter, located at the same address, will remain in place.

The pedestrian zone will be open until August 11, 2024.


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