Canada/Cycling network connectivity projects in Sherbrooke to be studied

Published on 21/06/2024 | La rédaction


Connections between cycling sections will be improved in Sherbrooke. In all, the city has authorized feasibility studies for five connectivity projects.

Studies will focus on Galt Street West, on the section between McManamy and Belvédère South, and on Short Street.

The Aylmer Bridge, Rue du Conseil and Rue du Cégep are also targeted. We've been looking at this for a long time," says Fabien Burnotte, a member of Vélos urbains Sherbrooke.

I think it's something cyclists have been waiting for for a long time, and it's necessary to consolidate our network.

A quote from Geneviève Laroche, city councillor and president of the Commission de l'aménagement du territoire at the City of Sherbrooke

It's all very well building bits and pieces of bike paths all over the place, but as long as we don't have a network that gets us from point A to point B safely, it's going to be hard to convince people to use their bikes. When you get to the part of the road that isn't safe, it often discourages people from using their bikes if they're already insecure," commented Mr. Bélanger.already insecure," commented city councillor and chair of the Commission de l'aménagement du territoire, Geneviève Laroche.

It's cut off everywhere. You go onto Prospect, Galt, Jacques-Cartier, it's cut off. You can't go downtown, but what's been announced is really positive. The area near the Cégep is really appreciated. Of course, once again, the area near the King will have to be connected, and that's essential, but it's been postponed. The project, as presented, is very interesting," adds Mr. Burnotte.

The projects would be carried out in 2025 and 2026, and would require investments of around two million dollars.


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