Canada/Beaurivage wants a new visual identity

Published on 19/09/2024 | La rédaction


The municipality of Beaurivage, New Brunswick, is looking to adopt a new visual identity. At a town council meeting on Tuesday, councillors voted in favor of a new logo and slogan.

The new visual identity is based on the slogan De la terre à la mer. The committee chose this slogan out of some fifty proposed.

We were looking for a short, catchy phrase that describes Beaurivage well, with a maximum of three to five words," explains Mélanie McDermott, Beaurivage consultant and member of the signage committee.

Inclusion at the heart of the new identity

Nature is represented by a tree and the color green. The sea is symbolized by the color blue.

You can see that a lot of work has gone into this. It's so beautiful," says Gloria Arsenault, one of our residents.

Councillor Roger Doiron agrees, but would like to see the slogan reworded.

What I'd like to see is "from the sea to the land". Our ancestors came by sea to settle on the land. They came by boat to settle in the region," he explains.

The most important thing is the inclusive aspect of this new visual identity," retorts mayor Arnold Vautour.

With the new administrative reform, we wanted to represent all Beaurivage's neighborhoods. And we can see that there's water in every neighborhood, so the logo from land to sea touches them all," he points out.

Permit applications will be required for this change. These new visual identities should be seen this fall on the municipality's various administrative platforms and documents, and at various locations throughout the municipality.


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