Cameroon: FCFA 100 million to support the University of Bamenda incubator

Published on 18/11/2023 | La rédaction


The agreement was signed between the Ministry of SMEs, Social Economy and Handicrafts and the University of Bamenda on November 14, 2023.

An agreement between the Ministry of SMEs and the University of Bamenda, enables the university institution to benefit from 100 million FCFA to support the establishment's incubator. The agreement, signed in the meeting room of the Immeuble de l'Emergence in Yaoundé on November 14, is part of the promotion and development of entrepreneurship. It aims to promote and disseminate an entrepreneurial culture, and to share experience and best practices in the definition and implementation of training programs and tools in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as in the modernization and management of SMEs.
According to the Ministry of SMEs, the agreement also covers the mentoring of students from the UBa Institut Supérieur de Commerce et de Gestion (Higher Institute of Commerce and Management) in their professional training in the field of entrepreneurship. s Institut Supérieur de Commerce et de Gestion in their professional curriculum in the field of entrepreneurship, and to support them, where appropriate, in setting up their own businesses at the end of their training. The partnership also includes capacity-building in entrepreneurship for students, local SMEs, MINPMEESA and UBa staff.
The agreement also aims to support the formalization and development of business incubation structures, in particular those housed within the College of Technology (COTECH) and UBa's Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (NAPI); and the promotion of exchange, information and training platforms for local SMEs, among others.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof. MOULOUA Ernest of the University of Bamenda signed the agreement in the Vice-Chancellor's absence, to the satisfaction of UBa. He reiterated UBa's commitment to take part, as necessary and in accordance with the terms of the agreement, in MINPMEESA's promotional activities relating to the promotion of entrepreneurship and Made in Cameroon; to ensure that its incubation structures are in line with MINPMEESA's standards; and to ensure that MINPMEESA's promotional activities relating to the promotion of entrepreneurship and Made in Cameroon are in line with MINPMEESA's standards. of its incubation structures with the relevant regulatory requirements and technical specifications, as well as the coherence of its teaching programs in the field of entrepreneurship with the National Entrepreneurship Strategy implemented by the Government.

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