Cameroon: Central Africa's Tink Tank organizes its first forum in Yaoundé

Published on 19/09/2023 | La rédaction


From September 20 to 21, 2023, the city of Yaoundé will host the first Tink Thank Forum in Central Africa. Participants will come from 11 countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).

The ThinkThanks of the countries of the Community of Central African States are undertaking activities aimed at achieving greater visibility. To this end, they are preparing two days of work in Yaoundé. This initiative by the Nkafu Policy Institute, a think-tank of the Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation, aims to build the capacities of participants from 11 ECCAS countries. According to the think-tank, the forum will provide an opportunity to "reflect on how to define better strategies, share experiences and best practices on the realization of the right to food". riences and best practices on real influence on policy-making, and to conduct quality research for improved effectiveness and a more visible impact within the continent."

ThinkThanks, or independent research institutes, intend to position themselves as the levers on which to focus Africa's development. The aim of the two-day event is to " help the government draw up policies that will promote development and improve people's livelihoods.

According to Dr. Jean Cédric Kouam, deputy director of the Nkafu Policy Institute's economic division, Think Thanks have a major role to play in promoting economic development in Africa. But they face a number of difficulties: "it is important to work collaboratively to enable them to overcome these difficulties", he stresses. This first forum," says the researcher, "will be an opportunity to brainstorm with the aim of defining better strategies, sharing experiences and best practices on how think tanks can strengthen their ability to influence policy-making.


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