Côte d'Ivoire/ Ten women's cooperatives receive agricultural equipment in Yamoussoukro to combat rural poverty

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

The "Victory Seed" foundation, an agricultural project financing and coaching platform for vulnerable women in rural areas, has trained and donated agricultural equipment to ten women's cooperatives in Yamoussoukro with a view to combating rural poverty, at the ceremony to launch the 2nd edition of its aid program, according to a press release sent to AIP on Monday, July 1, 2024.

According to the organizers, this initiative, which has involved women's cooperatives from Yamoussoukro, Bouaké and Toumodi, aims to provide them with plots of land for the cultivation and sale of food products, in order to meet their needs on a sustainable basis.

The objectives of the project are to empower women of all ages, combat the rural exodus of hard-working women from the interior of the country, reduce the poverty index, promote food self-sufficiency and the economic development of the country.The program also aims to boost local production of commonly-used foodstuffs, with a view to reducing dependence on imports.

Created to strengthen its position as a community bank serving communities and the country's economic and social development, the société générale côte d'ivoire (SGCI) foundation, which has joined this program, has also set out to strengthen the local production of commonly-used foodstuffs, with a view to reducing dependence on imports.encouraged the women to make good use of the equipment they received, before congratulating the initiative, which is part of its development program.

For four months, these women will benefit from the support and follow-up of a technical team from the "Victory Seed" foundation, as well as from the municipality of their respective localities.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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