Côte d'Ivoire/ Observatory for solidarity and social cohesion aims to curb violent extremism

Published on 02/07/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

The Observatoire de la solidarité et de la cohésion sociale (OSCS) is working to curb violent extremism and terrorist attacks in the Tchologo and Bounkani regions.

Eugene Bilé, Director of Communications and External Relations, made this clear on Thursday June 27, 2024 in Ferkessédougou, during a capacity-building workshop for 45 volunteer monitors and members of civil society organizations from the Tchologo and Bounkani regions, on community conflict prevention, civic-mindedness, solidarity and social cohesion.members of civil society organizations from the Tchologo and Bounkani regions, on community conflict prevention, civic-mindedness, solidarity and social cohesion.

Mr. Bilé explained that this training session for monitors is of the utmost importance, as it forms the basis of the early warning mechanism. "The underlying objective is to curb violent extremism and any desire for terrorist attacks in these two regions", he insisted.

The training, which ended on Friday, focused on citizenship and civic-mindedness, the notion of solidarity and social cohesion, the early warning mechanism, conflict prevention and the fight against hate speech and reporting.

Jean Pierre Sory, Prefect of the Tchologo region and Prefect of the Ferkessédougou department, welcomed the workshop. He urged the volunteer monitors to make good use of the training they had received, and to become more involved in conflict prevention.

The OSCS is a watchdog and warning body reporting to the Ministry of National Cohesion, Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty. The workshop was financially supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Source: www.aip.ci/

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