Côte d'Ivoire/ Marahoué regional council to draw up a strategic local development plan

Published on 19/09/2023 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

The Marahoué regional council, in collaboration with the Centre national de télédétection et d'information géographique (CNTIG), will in the coming days be drawing up a strategic local development plan for the 2023-2028 period, noted president Zoro Bi Ballo Epiphane.

Mr. Zoro Bi made this announcement, on the occasion of the installation of the Marahoué regional council's bureau for the 2023-2028 term, Monday September 18, 2023, at the Bouaflé prefecture.

"This strategic local development plan, with a forward-looking Marahoué 2040 approach, should be inspired by the orientations and main recommendations of theprospective study Côte d'Ivoire 2040 and by the national development plan 2021-2025, as well as by the campaign program for a stronger Marahoué", he stressed.

The President also pointed out that this development tool is broken down into several points "with a view to creating a framework for social cohesion in order to enhance our cultural strength, build a team and equip our departments.The aim is to create a framework for social cohesion, to enhance our cultural strength, to build a team and equip our departments, to invest in young people, to support women, to boost agriculture, to reinforce the security of people and property, and to promote a healthy environment for a stronger Marahoué".

The board of the Marahoué regional council, installed for the 2023-2028 term, is made up of President Zoro Bi Ballo Epiphane,1st Vice President Sacko Lassina, 2nd Vice President Boti Bi Zoua and the President of the Marahoué regional council.th vice-president Boti Bi Zoua, 3rd vice-president Habib Diallo, 4th vice-president Baya Lou Younan and 5th vice-president Goulizan Bi Irié Antoine.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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