Côte d'Ivoire/The regional council donates 10 ambulances to health centers in Haut Sassandra

Published on 27/02/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

On Friday, February 23, 2024, the regional council donated ten new ambulances to as many health centers, at a public ceremony attended by the corps, local elected officials and a large number of the population who came out to Daloa's Place Gbêbani.

According to the institution's president, Touré Mamadou, these ambulances are the first of 23 promised during his campaign for the regional elections.

"We have 23 sub-prefectures. We promised you that we would ensure that each sub-prefecture would be equipped with an ambulance", he recalled, emphasizing that he was determined to fulfill the promises he had made to the population.

The regional health director, Fofana Karamoko, was delighted with the donation, explaining that it would strengthen the capacities of the region's health system by enabling the local population to have access to an ambulance.the region's health system by enabling the evacuation of patients and parturients to the regional hospital in Daloa, should the need arise.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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