Benin/Respect for citizens' privacy: Apdp mobilizes around personal data protection

Published on 28/06/2024 | La rédaction


The Personal Data Protection Authority (Apdp) invited the heads of several institutions and other players involved in the collection, processing and storage of personal data to Cotonou this Thursday, June 27, 2024, for a workshop on the challenges, practices and institutional collaborations of personal data compliance and management in Benin. The aim is to guarantee respect for citizens' privacy...

Compliance and personal data management: issues, practices and institutional collaboration". This was the theme of the workshop, which brought together players from the digital ecosystem and other structures involved in the collection and processing of personal data.

Indeed, given the reality of the digitalization of public administration, involving the collection, processing and storage of personal data by public institutions, as well as technological innovations, it is imperative to ensure the protection of personal data.It is therefore imperative to ensure the protection of personal data, in accordance with current legislation in the Republic of Benin. According to Luciano Hounkponou, Chairman of the Personal Data Protection Authority, this workshop is an opportunity to "discuss collaboration between the various institutions involved in this field".rentes institutions intervening in this field, and above all to situate each institution in relation to its responsibilities in terms of personal data protection". The aim is to prevent the development of new technologies from undermining human identity, human rights, privacy, individual or public freedoms".

He also mentioned some of the key actions implemented by the Apdp to protect personal data, including capacity-building sessions for players in the public sector, healthcare, the financial sector and local authorities. In his speech, the Minister of State for Development and Coordination of Government Action, Abdoulaye Bio Tchané, praised Apdp's efforts to protect personal data.

"The Internet and social networks have become the foundations of socio-economic development in our countries, but at the same time, they have never been as dangerous as they are today...this workshop comes at the right time to enable all stakeholders to become better equipped on the data protection regime.this workshop comes at the right time to enable all stakeholders to learn more about the personal data protection regime in force in our country, the obligations of data controllers and the mechanisms to be observed to ensure the exercise of the rights of the persons concerned" declared the ministerial authority.

During the proceedings, participants were presented with a mechanism to better address concerns relating to the protection of personal data. A series of presentations addressed issues relating to the legal stakes involved in personal data; the security and protection of personal data in the age of information technology; and the role of the Internet in the protection of personal data.ation in the age of artificial intelligence; data retention terms and deadlines; and the framework for collaboration to protect data and citizens.


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