Benin/Octroi du label " Startup " aux Mpme du Bénin : Le comité technique de labellisation installé

Published on 03/07/2024 | La rédaction


The labeling process for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is making good progress. On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the labeling technical committee was officially installed. The installation ceremony was presided over by Aurélie Adam Soule Zoumarou, Minister of Digital Affairs and Digitization.

The adoption of the decree granting the startup label to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in March 2023, was the culmination of a long process that began in 2018, with theBenin Startup Week initiative, which consisted of a series of visits to Beninese startups offering innovative solutions in the Beninese digital ecosystem. These visits provided an opportunity to learn more about their solutions, products and services, and to get to grips with their real difficulties and some of the realities of our startups, reports the official government website. Proceeding with the official installation of the members of the technical labeling committee, Aurélie Adam Soule Zoumarou, Minister of Digital and Digitization, congratulated the members of the committee before inviting them to take ownership of the various orientation documents.She also expressed the hope that the call for applications to award the startup label to the 1st cohort of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises would be launched in September at the latest.

It should be emphasized that the technical labeling committee is a consultative body whose mission is to award the startup label. As such, it is responsible for receiving and examining applications from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; periodically publishing the list of startups awarded the label; notifying decisions resulting from the examination of applications; and pronouncing decisions to revoke the label awarded. "The adoption of this decree provides a regulatory framework conducive to the identification and labeling of Beninese startups, to support their economic growth. In particular, it reinforces the measures put in place by the government to create a favorable framework for entrepreneurship, notably with the creation of a one-stop shop for the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to offer them a suitable financing mechanism", states the official government website.


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