Benin/Journalists and web activists involved in the co-production of security in Zou

Published on 08/04/2021 | La rédaction


An information exchange session on the co-production of security during the electoral period, following the workshop on the co-production of security and the prevention of electoral violence, held in Possotomè at the beginning of April, brought together on Tuesday in Abomey, media actors and web activists operating in the department, at the initiative of the Departmental Director of the Republican Police (DDPR), Martin Aloukou, and the Prefect Firmin Kouton.

Social responsibility, professionalism and respect for the provisions of the information code and the digital code, according to the assessment, are the principles to which DDPR Aloukou and Prefect Kouton drew the attention of media actors, especially web activists, during this sensitive period marked by the presidential election.Kouton, drew the attention of media practitioners, especially web activists in this sensitive period marked by the presidential election.

In his communication, DDPR Martin Aloukou led the two parties, heads of the security unit of the Republican Police and media actors and web activists, to change to find common ground.In his communication, DDPR Martin Aloukou led the two parties, heads of the security unit of the Republican Police and media and web activists, to find common ground around the areas of misunderstanding, which often seem to oppose the two entities, yet condemned to collaborate frankly, in the context of community policing.

At this session, Prefect Kouton hammered that "these administrators of forums via social networks that are more solicited than the traditional media, because they are ready to monetize their monetize their service by executing virtually all offers proposed, are required to observe the provisions of the digital code in this area. The discussions between the heads of the department's republican police unit and the invited actors were rich and instructive, in order to make media actors and other consciousness raisers, vectors of peace. "The standards according to the code of information and communication and the digital code, if they are respected in the treatment, dissemination or publication of information, the various actors will be able to contribute to the establishment of peace and tranquility in our communities," said the prefect. The prefectoral authority also asked media actors and web activists to collaborate with the Judicial Police Officers, who are heads of security units, in order to get true information from credible sources.

Concerns were expressed on both sides, so that in the exercise of the profession of journalist, "blunders do not occur, unfortunately maintaining the disorder in our cities.

The Chief Superintendent of Police Martin Aloukou, to strengthen the strategies of co-production of security in the department, has worked to establish a platform of information, which involves journalists, web activists and the media.The Chief Superintendent of Police Martin Aloukou, in order to strengthen the co-production strategies of security in the department, has worked on the establishment of an information platform, which involves journalists, web activists, the management of the Republican Police of Zou and the prefectural authority, in view of the sensitivity of the electoral period. "The two authorities warned that "everyone should measure the extent of their responsibility, journalists and web activists in relation to the information disseminated.


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