Belgium/The Walloon Region wants to strengthen its cycling network and is launching a consultation among Brabant cyclists.

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction


The Walloon Region wants to improve its cycling network, so that cycling becomes a real mode of daily transport and the car's share of travel decreases. It has just launched an Internet consultation, starting with Walloon Brabant. Until August 15, cyclists and future users are invited to give their opinion on the priority improvements to be carried out over the next few years.

Which hubs need to be connected? What links should be established? With just a few clicks on the Internet portal for mobility in Wallonia, anyone can make suggestions and comment on what the Service Public de Wallonie (SPW) has in mind.

A denser structuring network

Following this consultation, a long process of analysis and validation will begin, involving local players, communes and the Province. Technical, environmental and budgetary constraints will be taken into account.

In the medium term, the aim is to map out a denser, structuring network for bicycles, built around cyclostrades and other supra-local links, in the same way as a structuring network has been defined for cars in the past.


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