Belgium/Habay: a grant for the elaboration of a municipal planning guide

Published on 21/08/2021 | La rédaction


Minister Willy Borsus is granting 16,000 euros, or 60% of the consultancy's fees.

The Minister for Spatial Planning, Willy BORSUS, has approved the granting of a subsidy for the drawing up of a municipal urban planning guide for the municipality of Habay. This document will provide guidelines for pursuing the territorial development and land use objectives defined by the regional and municipal plans.

As a reminder, the Walloon Government can grant subsidies to municipalities, particularly in the context of the preparation or revision, in whole or in part, of a multi-municipal development plan, a municipal plan, or a municipal planning guide.

The municipal guide can be considered as a reference tool that sets out guidelines taking into account the specific urban planning characteristics of the territory it covers. This may concern, for example, the general principles of building layout, volume, colours, materials to be used and changes in the relief of the ground.

This guide will be drawn up by the Impact consultancy, which has been appointed by the Habay municipal council. The said subsidy will be granted up to a maximum of 16,000 euros, corresponding to 60% of the fees of the consultancy firm. The grant is limited to a maximum of 16,000 euros.

"Through the preparation of a communal planning guide, the communal authorities will define their own planning objectives in the light of the territorial development objectives of the existing plans. In short, this system allows municipalities to establish a more personal framework for the development of their territories. It also allows owners, buyers or developers to have a clear vision of what the local authority expects from a project," says Willy Borsus.


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