Belgium/Balanced organic meals now served in Namur's municipal crèches

Published on 16/01/2025 | La rédaction


This lunchtime, Nancy, a nursery nurse at the Bellevue crèche (Erpent), is serving an organic, balanced meal to her little ones aged 18 to 24 months. On the menu: steamed potatoes, beans and chicken fillet, not forgetting a small dessert.

Following on from the Namur municipal schools, which opted for healthy, sustainable food in their canteens almost two years ago, the municipal crèches managed by SONEFA are now on board.

"We've changed operators," explains SONEFA president and Childcare alderman Christophe Capelle. "Meals are delivered overnight in refrigerators, and everything is reheated by our staff in ovens provided by the caterer! The advantage is threefold: the children eat better, they learn to appreciate vegetables and healthy food, and what's more, the parents don't pay more! "

These quality seasonal meals are now served to more than 600 children aged 0 to 3 in the 10 Namur municipal crèches.


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