Algeria/Student Day: various activities in the central wilayas
Various activities and tributes to the revolutionary family were organized Sunday in the central wilayas, to celebrate National Student Day, marking the historic date of May 19, 1956, when students went on strike and joined the maquis of the Revolution, joining the ranks of the National Liberation Army (ALN) to fight French colonialism.
Exhibitions, cultural and sporting activities and ceremonies in honor of students who have excelled in various disciplines and specialties were organized in the center of the country. These activities began with recollections in memory of the martyrs.
The celebration also provided an opportunity to evoke the sacrifice of students in the liberation of the country, at the museums of the moudjahid and in the universities. Several conferences were organized to remind today's students of their elders' commitment to their homeland.
In Bejaia, the university halls of residence hosted a number of activities, including exhibitions, film screenings and sports competitions, while the local authorities inaugurated socioconomic structures, including the reopening of the neurosurgery department of the Khellil-Amrane hospital, which was the scene of a serious fire in 2022 and was renovated for the occasion.
In the wilaya of Ain Defla, the Djillali Bounaâma University (Khemis Miliana) saw the inauguration of a fresco featuring the names of students who joined the maquis of the Revolution on May 19, 1956. An awareness-raising caravan on the dangers of misusing social networks was also launched.
In Djelfa, the Maison de la Culture Ibn Rochd hosted cultural activities including the screening of a film produced by the Ministère des Moudjahidine et des ayants droit.
In the wilaya of Tizi-Ouzou, a tribute was paid to members of the revolutionary family by the local authorities, who also inaugurated a treatment room in the village of Tala Mansour (commune of Tizi-Ouzou).
The program, which began yesterday (Saturday), continues on Sunday at the Tamda university center, where an exhibition and a ceremony in honor of students crowned best reciters of the Koran and sportsmen and women are scheduled.
In Chlef, the festivities kicked off at the Oueld Farès university center, where students who had excelled in various specialties and national competitions were honored.s and national competitions were honored, while a presentation in sign language, in solidarity with Palestine, was performed by a student. An exhibition on student innovation was also part of the celebrations.
The Saâd-Dahlab University in Soumaâ and the Ali-Lounici University in El Afroun, both in the wilaya of Blida, organized a number of cultural activities and honored students who had been awarded the label for their work in the field.tudents who had obtained the label for their innovative projects initiated under Ministerial Decree 1275 and adhering to the "One diploma-one startup/one diploma-one patent" mechanism.
In Boumerdes, the M'hamed Bougara University hosted a number of activities, including the screening of a history film and a play by the "Nadi El arabe" student troupe, as well as an exhibition by science clubs.
Students were also invited to visit the most important historical sites in the wilayas of Boumerdes and Tizi-Ouzou.
In the wilayas of Médéa and Bouira, commemorations were held in memory of the chouhadas who fell on the field of honour to liberate Algeria from the colonial yoke.