Algeria/Ghardaïa: medical camp for children with Cerebral Palsy kicks off

Published on 03/03/2024 | La rédaction


The national delegate for child protection, Meriem Cherfi, launched a medical camp in Guerrara (120 km northeast of Ghardaïa) on Saturday to provide "free" care for children suffering from cerebral palsy (CP).

"The aim of this solidarity operation for children from disadvantaged families is to encourage these benevolent and voluntary doctors, who make a considerable effort to treat these patients free of charge.voluntary doctors who make considerable efforts to treat these patients free of charge", Ms Cherfi told APS.

"Early treatment helps to reduce the prevalence of the disease", she stressed, before adding that "we are here to encourage this surge of humanism, to support children with disabilities and to defend their cause".

For his part, the head of the medical mission, Dr Mohamed Benmaamar, pointed out that "this camp dedicated to children with cerebral palsy, set up within the associative framework, will enable 250 patients to be examined and those requiring surgery to be sorted out".

"More than 23.000 patients with cerebral palsy are registered in Algeria", said the practitioner.He went on to call on expectant mothers to ensure that their pregnancies are medically monitored and that they give birth in a medical environment, in order to reduce the number of cases of this pathology.

For his part, Ahmed Zenati, the wilaya's Director of Health, announced that this medical mission of some thirty specialist doctors, surgeons and nurses, "is called upon to take care of the children of the wilaya for four days. treat children suffering from this disease over a four-day period, using a toxin injection technique at the Guerrara hospital, which is equipped with modern technical facilities".

Practical and theoretical training courses for health professionals will be organized during this medical camp, as part of ongoing training, according to the organizers.


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