Senegal/Fight against the lack of employment in Fass-Colobane-Gueule Tapée: A local development model to be multiplied

Published on 17/04/2021 | La rédaction


The project to support the economic and social empowerment of women and young people in the municipality of Fass-Colobane-Gueule Tapée is a model to be encouraged and perpetuated in other municipalities in the country.

Two years after its creation, this pilot project, financed to the tune of 60,000 euros in the different communes of the country and initiated by Unfpa (United Nations Population Fund), with a view to implementing strategic and highly qualitative interventions in order to invest in the potential of young people and women to capture the demographic dividend for an inclusive and participatory development at the level of this commune, has achieved more than satisfactory results, namely "the reconstruction of the health post in the village of Bamako".The project, which is aimed at implementing strategic and high quality interventions to invest in the potential of young people and women to capture the demographic dividend for inclusive and participatory development in this commune, has achieved more than satisfactory results, namely "the reconstruction of the Fass health post with the support of the of Fass with the support of the Ministry of the Family and the Pades project, financed by Italian cooperation, which will be fully equipped by Unpa".
In fact, as part of the creation of employment and empowerment of women and youth, the actors had to finance nine projects with Pamecas, train sixty women in processing cereals, twenty-five women in quality hygiene, 50 young people in repairing phones.
According to Mayor Ousmane Ndoye, this is a very useful global project set up by the partners.According to him, many schools have benefited from it, especially in terms of building classrooms and equipment.
Moussa Kodio, an expert in demography, is of the opinion that "the general objective of this project is to see how to improve human capital at the level of the country.The general objective of this project is to see how to improve human capital in the commune of Gueule Tapée-Fass-Colobane to boost job creation and good governance and move towards the capture of demographic dividends.
It is on the basis of a number of criteria that the said commune was chosen. "It is the strong demographic growth at the level of the commune, justified by a high immigration at the level of the commune. Beyond this strong demographic growth, we have also observed an inadequacy of health infrastructure," said Mr. Kodjo.
"Regarding education and vocational training, we have noted a fairly high rate of school dropout in the town and an inadequacy of classrooms. We also noted some shortcomings at this level with insecure jobs poorly paid, a low development of entrepreneurship of youth and women," said Moussa Kodio yesterday at the meeting of sharing and communication of the results of the project Fass Emergent.
Christoph Iveto, resident representative of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Senegal, also appreciates the importance of this project insofar as, he said, it reflects the political will of the President of the Republic for youth and women.
In addition to all the major policies of the State, "whether the industrial policy, the establishment of economic and special zones, industrial parks of agropoles, it is very important to have actions throughout the country.It is very important to have actions on the whole national territory in the 600 territorial communities to give them the means to create jobs and to work with young people for young people and to support their projects thanks to support both in training and in access to credit," said Mr. Iveto. Iveto.


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