France/Digital archiving, the great challenge for local authorities

Published on 09/06/2021 | La rédaction


In the era of dematerialization, the issue of archiving in communities creates new challenges for agents and organizations. What processes to put in place? What tools to use? How to protect electronic archives? Two experts answered your questions during the 4th Assises de la dématérialisation, organised by La Gazette des communes.

Where are we in 2021 in communities, on the deployment of digital archiving? This is the question that Céline Guyon, president of the Association of French Archivists, and Julien Benedetti, archivist at the departmental council of Bouches-du-Rhône, first addressed, during the 4th Assises of dematerialization on May 27: electronic archiving requires the implementation of precise procedures, so that the documents can be stored and accessed.
All the agents concerned must be aware of this. The situation is improving, but it is not yet ideal.

What should be archived? And what should be deleted? And at what point in the "life" of the document? These are complex issues that require the expertise of archivists, who can help and advise small communities.

Finally, should a public cloud be created? And at what scale: local, national? How much trust should be placed in private clouds? How can we ensure that data is stored in a secure space? This is an issue of sovereignty that has not yet found a simple answer, as our two experts explained.


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