Bénin/Mission de suivi des communes bénéficiaires du programme Bonne Gouvernance Locale (GLoBe):Des équipes de l'ANCB sur le terrain
What stage have the 16 beneficiary communes of the Good Local Governance (GLoBe) program reached in implementing the gender-sensitive activities contained in their 2023 Annual Work Plans (AWPs)? To answer this question, the Association Nationale des Communes du Bénin (ANCB) dispatched three teams to the field.
Composed of men and women, these teams have been criss-crossing the communes since Wednesday August 16, 2023, to discuss with the Gender Focal Points, the Mayors and other officials of the communes concerned the level of implementation of the activities included in the Budget Primitif 2023 and having an impact on the promotion of gender equality.es on the level of implementation of activities included in the 2023 Primitive Budget and having an impact on the promotion of gender equality. To this end, a number of monitoring tools have been made available to these Gender Focal Points to facilitate their work. Taking into account unforeseen circumstances, sensitive gender activities carried out by the communes that were not included in the budget are also listed, so that they can be capitalized on according to their relevance and impact on the promotion of gender equality. Another aim of the tour is to present the Gender Charter for Inclusion for Sustainable Development of Benin's Communes to the managers and authorities of the communes benefiting from the GLoBe program. This will enable these municipalities to better manage their gender-related activities. The initiative was very much appreciated by the local players, who readily signed up to the charter, committing themselves in writing to its implementation in their areas. It should be noted that the mission is part of the implementation of the GLoBe program, financed by the Association des Villes et Communes Flamandes (VVSG) and implemented by ANCB in the communes of Bohicon, Dogbo, Lalo, Houéyogbé, Porto-Novo, Agbangnizoun, Zakpota, Toucountouna, Pèrèrè, Nikki, Bembèrèkè, Pehunco, Toviklin, Matéri, Ouinhi and Covè.
Source: www.ancb.bj/